7 Ritz Cracker Challenge Load

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. And its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #PutItOnARitz #CollectiveBiasI have another secret to share. I hate electric stoves. Our new place has a gas stove! Unfortunately, most of the rooms are stilll a mess with boxes of important things that all need to be unpacked.

I’m still trying to figure out how I want to organize the kitchen, so I haven’t had a chance to really start cooking since our move this last weekend. I haven’t had any time to go grocery shopping.

Luckily, the triplets love crackers. I do have a lot of crackers. I’m talking L-O-V-E, they love a crackers! They’re creative, too.

They usually just put any and every leftover on a, and are more than satisfied. Today when I started making grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch, Andres (5) demanded grilled RITZ® crackers and cheese, instead. I was really confused because he didn’t come right out and say it like that. I wasn’t even sure I understood him correctly.

I threw a cracker in the pan. He started screaming and crying that I wasn’t doing it right. He kept telling me to do it “ like that!” I was just going to give him cheese and crackers. Then he asked me to put butter on his cracker. Finally, I understand what he really wanted. He wanted an actual grilled cheese RITZ® cracker, made just like I was making the sandwiches.

I ate the first one and couldn’t believe how yummy it was. I wish he could enter the RITZ® Snackify Instgram Contest. Maybe he’d win? But – YOU can enter for a chance to win one of forty $100 Walmart e-Gift Cards (10 per week) by uploading an Instagram photo of your RITZ®-topped creation with #putitonaritzcontest. ( Purchase of RITZ ® is not required.)Andres’ creation was so easy to make.Step 1: Butter one side of two RITZ® crackers. (Pick your favorite)Step 2: Put some cheese in the middle.Step 3: Cook it like a regular grilled cheese sandwich. (about 30-45 seconds on each side, with a medium flame (or heat).

Ritz Cracker Crack

Yay – gas stove!Our favorite flavors are:. RITZ ® crackers. RITZ ® Roasted Vegetable. RITZ ® Bits Peanut Butter. RITZ ® Garlic Butter. RITZ ® EverythingAfter lunch, I started cleaning.

The place was such a mess I couldn’t even work on unpacking. I just needed to get all the boxes into the correct rooms, put off to the side, and make a plan of attack.

7 Ritz Cracker Challenge Load

Aside from picking up some dinner, I didn’t stop working until midnight! Everyone else in the house had been asleep for hours and I couldn’t help but to notice the quiet. Finally, I sat down, but not before making a little midnight snack to eat on my break.Later, I wanted something spicy and sophisticated!I made a super easy and delicious Mango Pico de Gallo and #PutItOnARitz. Not only were they delicious, they were also gorgeous!

These will definitely be included ont he menu. The next time I host a gathering.The Mango Pico de Gallo is as easy as wash, dice, and mix!Gather your ingredients as shown in the picture below. (Don’t worry, I’ll include a downloadable recipe at the end of this post.)Wash, peel, and remove seeds.Dice.Sprinkle salt (to taste) over diced ingredients. Stir ingredients in together until evenly mixed. Squeeze fresh lime over the mixed ingredients. Put a scoop on top of your favorite RITZ ® cracker.

3.2.2885The other day I shared how I just went from. While I was at Walmart picking up the hand sanitizer wipes, I also stocked up on at a great price.We’ll be eating crackers for days. Maybe I can actually get us unpacked?

7 Ritz Cracker Challenge Load

In the meantime, I’ll be looking for great ideas on how to use all these crackers. Be sure to enter the RITZ® Snackify Challenge Instagram Contest and post a link in the comments. We’d love to see what you create!Think you can top Andres’ creation, or will you try the Mango Pico de Gallo?By: Alicia Gonzalez.

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