How To Installous For Ios 3.1.3
While the iOS 4 update brings a number of enhancements to the iPhone 3G as well as the iPhone 4, a few iPhone 3G owners have had enough problems that they want to restore the phones to their original states.
Actually, XCode 4.2 doesn’t support iOS 3.1.3 for simulator. But it can be used to deploy into iOS 3.1.3 device. I like to use XCode 4.2 to develop the code because it has better interface and ‘Interface Builder’ already built in there.Here is what i did:.
You may need to add iOS 3.1.3 sdk folder into XCode development folder. New Project, I Choose ‘Empty Application’, Uncheck option ‘Use Automatic Reference Counting’. On file ‘Info.plist’, remove key ‘Required Device capabilities’.
How To Installous For Ios 3.1.3 10
in main.m, replace the code.