Fadein Fadeout Jquery Slideshow

Simple jQuery Fade-in/Fade-out slideshowHi there. I’m learning jQuery and finding it super easy and fun to work with!Here’s a simple fade-in/out slideshow I wrote for.

Fadein Fadeout Jquery Slideshow

I knew there were already plug-ins out there for achieving this sort of thing, but I decided to write my own in order to become more familiar with some of the basic concepts. Here’s the HTML we’re outputting:And here’s the jQuery:As you can see, it’s pretty basic.

Fadein Fadeout Jquery Slideshow Download


There’s a number of improvements that could be made, such as having the jQuery insert the control links as they’re somewhat redundant for the non-JS user. Also, it’s a bit fussy about divs — you might want to have some inside your slides but, as written, that would confuse it. I’ll post again if I get around to addressing that.As always, best wishes to you in your coding!Posted May 2010.

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